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Correlation/prediction results for subject measure 187 (SSAGA_Times_Used_Hallucinogens)

819 subjects had a valid SSAGA_Times_Used_Hallucinogens measure.

Multivariate prediction (GLM-based, automatic feature selection, leave-one-family-out prediction)
Original data space: r=0.15 CoD=-0.04     Deconfounded space: r=0.11 CoD=-0.05
Scatterplot shows predicted-SSAGA_Times_Used_Hallucinogens vs measured-SSAGA_Times_Used_Hallucinogens (in original and deconfounded data space).

Univariate regression (regressing each netmat element independently against SSAGA_Times_Used_Hallucinogens, correcting for multiple comparisons across elements, using PALM permutation testing, taking into account family structure).
Number of significantly correlated edges at p<0.05 (two-tailed, FWE corrected) = 0 (minimum corrected p = 0.2576)
Number of significantly correlated edges at p<0.05 (two-tailed, uncorrected) = 80 (62 expected by chance)
Image shows edges (node-pairs) whose connection most strongly correlates with SSAGA_Times_Used_Hallucinogens (in decreasing order), with t-statistic listed at the top of each node-pair.